Who is responsible for processing your data?


Tfno: +34938979037

CIF: B61406963


Address: Barri l’Alzinar 68 – 08736 Font Rubí – Barcelona.

What types of data are collected?

The data collected on the various pages of CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL consists of two types: data provided by the user and data collected automatically during browsing.

Regarding personal data, these are collected confidentially and directly from the user through various forms available on the site or through messages freely sent by the user to any of the published contact addresses. These data include: email address, first and last name, delivery and billing addresses, contact phone number, bank card details, date of birth, and password, of which only some are essential for providing the service.

As for data collected automatically, the following are included: IP address of access; device (computer, mobile phone, or tablet), operating system, and browser used; and records of visits and browsing history obtained through first-party and third-party cookies. You can also refer to our Cookie Policy for more information.

¿For what purpose is my data used??

The email address registered to subscribe to Ferret Guasch’s newsletter will be used solely to send newsletters containing offers, promotions, news, and all types of information related to the world of wine and products available at CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL.

The email address registered to be notified of the availability of a currently out-of-stock product will only be used to inform you of its new availability.

Email addresses registered to share information published on CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL with a third party will only be used to send that information to the specified recipient.

The email address registered to place an order, along with other necessary personal data for the requested service (processing and delivering the order according to specified characteristics), will only be used for that purpose. It will also be used to keep the customer informed about the status of their orders placed at CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL and to notify them about any aspects related to their purchases, subscriptions, or their personal data, such as potential errors or expiration dates of data or services, or updates to data protection regulations. As an additional service related to the main service of delivering the order, CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL may also use your email to send controlled and timely commercial advantages and complementary services, which you can opt out of at any time without affecting the main purpose.

Under no circumstances will this data be used to send you advertising, nor will it be transferred to third parties except those with whom CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL maintains an active contract necessary to fulfill the agreement, such as payment platforms and transportation companies.

The access IP address is used to provide the user with the most suitable service based on their geographical area during browsing and to collect statistical information for CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL to improve its services.

Technical details related to the browsing experience on CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL (device, operating system, and browser used) are used to adapt our services to each user and for statistical purposes, without being provided to third parties.

Information collected through cookies during browsing is used for various purposes (see Cookie Policy):

  • to identify the user, retain their choices, enable them to complete a purchase process, and provide a more personalized browsing experience on our site. It is not possible to place an order on CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL if site cookies are blocked.
  • to track visits and compile a browsing history that allows certain external service providers or advertising companies to offer personalized content from CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL when visiting other sites that support advertising. These cookies are not necessary to place orders on CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL, do not contain personal data, and can be avoided by modifying your browser settings to never accept third-party cookies.

¿Will my data be transferred to third parties??

As a general rule, your data will not be transferred to third parties without your consent, except when required by law or to fulfill the contracted service, as mentioned earlier. Any transfer will be conducted in a controlled manner, providing only the necessary data in each case and ensuring compliance with current data protection regulations.

If you use our pages to recommend any of the products to one of your contacts, please note that CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL will include your email address as the sender of the information so that the recipient knows who the recommendation is coming from.

¿Will I be able to modify my data?

As the data subject, the user has the right to access, rectify, transfer, and delete their personal data; they also have the right to restrict or object to its processing. This means that at any time, the user may access their data to view what information we retain, correct it, or request its deletion by configuring cookie preferences in their browser or by emailing

As the data subject, you have the right to request a copy of all collected information and receive it in an accessible format.

If, after contacting us, you do not receive a response within the legally mandated period (10 days) or consider the response inadequate, you also have the right to appeal to the Spanish Data Protection Agency’s Citizen Service to file a complaint.

The right to deletion involves initially blocking the data, ceasing its processing but making it available to public or judicial authorities for investigating potential responsibilities during the period in which it was processed. For data related to invoiced orders, the retention period is 6 years from the account cancellation or deletion of each data from the customer’s private area; for newsletters subscriptions only, the retention period is 2 years from the date of unsubscribing from the service. After these periods, the data will be deleted. The retention period for information collected through first-party or third-party cookies depends on the user’s browser settings.

¿What treatment is given to minors?

CELLER JOSEP MARIA FERRET SL prohibits users under the age of fourteen from using its web services, except with explicit consent from their parents or legal guardians.

Regarding the online store, only individuals over the age of 18 are authorized to purchase products.

Under no circumstances may a minor provide data that would allow obtaining information about other family members or their characteristics, such as parents’ professional activities, economic information, sociological data, or any other information, without the consent of the data subjects.